This is Juno, hanging out for cuddle time in my son's arms. She is not a year old yet, but just had 5 babies. We found her with her kittens about 6 weeks ago. She is the most affectionate and adorable cat. She purrs a lot and has stolen our hearts! She does not like our 95 lb. Weimeramer though...
I am digressing from my quilts to show off Juno's kittens. I found them when the kittens were 10 days old. I still can't believe how cute kittens are!! They are our summer project, and boy have we learned a lot. I wish I could tell you which one is my favorite, but each time I pick one up, he or she becomes my new favorite. They are all wonderful! But it is time to find them some forever homes.
Pictured above are Pumpkin, Smokey, and Vanilla. They play non-stop, except when they sleep and eat. They are very entertaining! They are small for 8 weeks, but their Mom, Juno, is also small, weighing in at 6.5 pounds.
This is Pumpkin. He is the only kitten that can eat at the same plate as his Mom without being chased away. He is sweet, adorable, and likes to pounce on Garfield.
This one is Smokey. He is adventurous. The first kitten to eat crunchy food, the first to use the litter box, and the first to adventure out of the bathroom when we let the partition down. He fell asleep once in my son's lap.
This one is Vanilla, affectionately known as Vanilla Bean. He is so soft and cuddly, and purrs louder and more often than the other kitties. But don't let his sweet eyes fool ya! He can pounce the cat toys with more than adequate energy and attention!
This beautiful blue eyed wonder is Garfield. He is the biggest of the bunch. He is super sweet and loves to play. He usually watches the other kittens first before joining in to play. This is his favorite toy!
Last, but not least, our little Pepper. She is the smallest of the bunch, but that doesn't seem to deter her spirit. She was the first to learn to climb to the top of the scratching post and survey the landscape of the hallway outside the bathroom.

what a bunch of cuties!
I would take some but Sydney is too far away!
they are so adorable! i hope you find homes for them all when they are ready to leave their mom.
Just perfect little kitties, however are you fighting the temptaion of not keeping them all?
Enjoy there love!!
Thanks! We would love to keep them all, unfortunately I am extremely allergic to cats. It is difficult having them in the house. I clean constantly, and I am not a housecleaning-type of person....it is difficult, but they are cute....and yes, I am still advocating for finding homes for them all.
On a sadder note, the mom, Juno, is dying. Her kidneys have been failing for a long time, (unknown to us), and she will be euthanized this morning. It's been a long rode, she took excellent care of her kittens, and we are heartbroken. Today, it is hard to remember how lucky we were to have gotten to know and love her.
Drool, drool, drool. How cute they are.
Smokey is my absolute favorite. This is because he looks like Jenny, my former cat who died at the age of 16 last may, she died of kidney failure. We also didn't notice her kidneys were failing, the thing with cats is they only show symtoms when 70-80% of their kidneys are gone and it is too late to do anything about it.
How cute.... but I bet they can cause some trouble...
We adopted a stray that showed up on our doorstep about 18 mos. ago. I'm also allergic to cats and never particularly liked them. After the neighbor's cat beat him up, I spent two weeks doctoring him and paying the hefty vet bill. Yup, he was mine after that! I adore the ornery little thing! I hope you find loving homes for all of the kitties. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Juno. :-(
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