A total surprise to me, but my quilt, Winter to Spring, is in the new magazine by Pokey and her crew at Interweave, International Quilt Festival Quilt Scene! Here I am at the
Quilting Arts booth holding up a copy of the cover and another copy turned to page 67 with my quilt. Proudly, my mom is taking the photo of me!! I didn't get what this magazine was about until I opened the cover and peaked inside. It is packed with eye candy of beautiful prize winning quilts and wonderful interesting projects and stories. Rather expensive at $15/copy, I thought it was worth every penny!
What follows, is a few random snapshots of my experience of the Quilt Scene. It is a fun and overwhelming experience and impossible to capture the entire essence.

Here I am standing in front of my first place winning quilt, Building UP. My daughter was with me and snapped the photo for me. She was beaming with excitement.

Next, I found
Judy Perez and we walked around a bit. Here she is in front of her prize winning quilt, Moon Garden. It garnered an Honorable Mention, and it is even more wonderful in person than in the photo, and it looks pretty darn good in the photo. Kudos to you, Judy!

Ah, then off to search for my favorite singing fusers,
Laura Wasilowski, and
Frieda Anderson. In my eyes, their booth wins most colorful, and therefore, most beautiful! And their cheerful and friendly personalities welcome visitors in with gusto!

Next, hanging out with old friends and on the prowl for dinner. Here we are, Nina Perez and Rachel Parris, Frances Holliday Alford, myself and Julie Upshaw, and
Vickie Hallmark. I am posing with one of Vickie's new fabulous jewelry
locket pendant with a wonderful little bird. Her design work always appeals to me!

Next is a series of photos because I am fascinated with taking pictures of people taking pictures. It's like a mathematical iteration. First up,
Pokey Bolton. Bet you didn't know that she likes to jump on the bed to take her photos! Next, Misty fuse
Iris Karp. Gone are the days of looking through the view finder. Last, we have
Jamie Fingal. I am not exactly sure why she is bending over so far, but she is shooting a table full of people with spoons on their noses. I get to that later!

I may have failed to mention by this time on Saturday night, I had a horrible cold. I was using every medication known to man trying to feel better. It is understandable then, even at a crowded table why Iris would want to sit so far away. I didn't take it personally. :)

Next, I don't know how this started or why, but it really doesn't matter. What I do know is that it was fun and funny and contagious. We were all balancing spoons on our noses, though I didn't get photos of everyone....you get the general idea. Maybe it had something to do with being in the Wine Room? No, wait, I think they call it the Glass Room?

Here's a picture of Jamie when she is not taking pictures or balancing a spoon on her nose! She is really quite lovely!

Next, just some more photos around the table at dinner that night. Sadly, I did not get photos of everyone. I think I missed
Leslie Jenison and Susie Monday. I blame it on my cold. Included are Judy Perez, myself with Rachel again, and
Melly Mells Testa, Frances Holliday Alford

Last, it has been quite a long time since my children were in Houston with me. This year I was graced by the presence of my daughter on Friday, and both children on Sunday. We played in the park and swam in the pool on the top floor of the Hilton, actually, they swam, I watched, sniffling from a bench. That part didn't go the way I expected, but they seemed to have a good time!

This is the first year that I have been in Houston that I did not take photos of the quilt exhibits. Sorry that I don't have that to share with you. I didn't get to see most of the exhibits until Sunday, and by then I was really tired, and also sick. I am humbled and inspired by the beauty in these wonderful quilts! I tried to drink in the experience of being with the quilts, and I let go of trying to capture their images. And though it is the quilts draw us together, I find that reconnecting with friends at the show is the most meaningful for me.