Sunday, June 23, 2024

Untitled, Part 6

Untitled, Part 6

Let the sewing begin!

First up, layering all the fabric with a backing and batting. These pieces will be seen from the front and a little bit from the back (or so I thought), so I picked matching solid colored fabrics for the backing. I think I used up ALL my blues, and had to buy some more! 

This effectively tripled the bulk of the project. Fortunately, I opted not to baste the layers.  The pieces are small enough that the quilting will be manageable without it.  I do not use an adhesive to baste.  These fabrics are being held in place by the friction of the fabric with the batting, and it works well enough. Finally, a small time saver for this extensive project!

The quilting part is a bit dull, and repetitive, but the lighting from the outside makes the texture look amazing.  And, I had two goals with the quilting.  The first is to add some texture to enhance the batik motif.  I don't want to distract from it. So, I chose a matching thread color.   The second goal is to add strength and stability to the little pieces.  In general, the denser the quilting the stiffer the quilt. 

These quilting lines are spaced about 1/16th of an inch.  Very close.  Also, lots and lots
of bobbins...

This page, I couldn't help but channel IKEA while quilting.  Hmmm....

The back of one of the pieces.

Thanks for following along! Progress is being made!

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