Sunday, March 17, 2013

Art quilt portfolio: People and Portraits

Art quilt portfolio:  People and Portraits

Yesterday, I got a surprise in the mail.  It was my copy of the book!  I knew I was getting a copy if they used my quilt in it, but that was so long ago, maybe 2 years?  I had forgotten.  So it caught me by surprise.

I read it cover to cover.  It is absolutely a beautiful collection of quilts, lots of styles and different techniques.  It is very engaging and inspiring.   Hey even my cat was interested!  The book was written and compiled by Martha Sielman and published by Lark Books.  Some of my favorite artists are represented, Pam Rupert, Pamela Allen, Mary Pal, Kathy Nida, Inge Mardal and Steen Hougs, and Pamela Price Klebaum.  And I was introduced to new artists that I hadn't seen before, but are very powerful and inspiring like, Olga Norris,  Cynthia Friedman, Margene Gloria May, and Ulva Ugerup.  But these are just a few.  There are so many others.

I often wondered while looking at this collection, what is it that is appealing to me?  Is it the subject?  Or, is it more significant how the artist chose to represent the subject?  No answers, just thinking about it.....

Meanwhile, my quilt, A Few of My Favorite Things, was included in the section called Play.  The quilt is a self portrait from a long time ago when I used to go rockclimbing every weekend.  This was taken from a photo at Enchanted Rock.  It is an incredible place and I have so many wonderful and cherished memories just by looking at this quilt.  It is indeed an honor to be included in this collection!  Thanks Martha!


Vivien Zepf said...

Congratulations, Kathy! Your piece is a perfect fit.

Leslie Tucker Jenison said...

I'm so happy that this quilt is in the book, Kathy! I think this quilt is very special.