Quilt Market Report
Well, I am back from Quilt Market in Houston. I only got to stay for one day, but it was a fantastic day! I had lunch with Candice Hoffman, President of
Clothworks. I hung out at the Clothworks booth for a while, visiting with everyone and watching the sale reps do their thing. It is an amazing process watching the sales reps juggle complicated schedules and still maintain their cool while showing the new lines. I had assumed it would be harried and rushed, but instead they make it look so effortless and relaxed. Kudos!
Lunch with Candice Hoffman |
Across from the Clothworks booth, was
Beach Garden Quilts. I got to meet Lynette and Laura (see photo at the bottom of post). They have made some really cool stuff with my fabric,
Urban Landscapes, that I wanted to share with you. Right behind my head is an adorable little bag (perfect for a child!). Under my feet, a highchair mat. Wish I had one of these when my kids were small! So wonderful, and so useful! And I personally love the fabric they chose! They also made some cool dog leashes, makes me want a dog again! lol! Check out their website, lots of neato patterns.
Beach Garden Quilts made this super adorable highchair playmate! Recognize the fabric (Urban Landscapes)! |
There were a few other booths that I liked. Sorry I didn't get a picture to share, darn it!
Kinkame had the cutest display. Yoko had cut up tiny shirt patterns from each fabric and hung them from a laundry line. The effect was charming!
I probably should have spent more time at the other booths at Market, but to be honest, it was a little overwhelming! And, the quilts were calling me. I spent the entire afternoon looking at quilt exhibits. It was so quiet I could hear the traffic on the highway behind the Brown Convention Center. There were only a handful of us looking at quilts. It was almost eery the way the security outnumbered the viewers! Especially since I know how different it will look when the crowds descend upon the show in full force next week! I enjoyed the quiet, but partly because I knew I will be back next weekend for festival! To summarize, the quilts are spectacular! It's a good show this year, many, many great exhibits. I will try to blog about those next week. If you get a chance to go, then go! You will be amazed!
Here we are at the Clothworks cocktail party before I had to leave to go home. Fabulous group! Fabulous times!
This group know how to party! Miryam, Brandi, Lynette, me, Laura, and Joyce. |