Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Color, color everywhere but ne'er a drop to drink.

Color, color everywhere but ne'er a drop to drink.

I ripped up my carpet last weekend. It was old and stained and the motivator was big trash pick up week. I had been wanting to switch over to concrete floors for a long time as it would better fit for the casual lifestyle we lead. I was so fortunate to find Artisan Concrete to do the job and lucky that they were available. I absolutely LOVE the color of my floors! Aside from the horrendous mess and hard work of moving everything, it was totally worth it.

Isn't it amazing how well it goes with my painted wallpaper? And my art? And it looks totally fabulous with my art quilts!

I did not expect the sound to echo so loudly with the floors, so I had to invest in a few new area rugs, one from IKEA and one from Pottery Barn. And, as in all things remodeling, once you 'fix' one thing, the other stuff looks old and bad. I ended up repainting all my woodwork including the climbing wall, and buying new white drapes for the windows (which also required drape rods and an epic installation). All completely delightful in the end. I love my new room. It feels fresh and clean and relaxing!


jojo said...


I want to do it to my "space." Hmmmmm.

Gerrie said...

I LOVE the new floor. That color is glorious.

Vickie Hallmark said...

Totally gorgeous! It makes me wish I had carpet to rip up. My tile and wood look a bit drab brown now. It's very YOU!

sophie said...

Gorgeous! The color is amazing.

I love the (industrial, uncolored) concrete floors in my loft and have only found one drawback–if you drop something, it will break.

kathy york said...

That is so funny! (but not!), That is the reason I gave up pottery, it breaks. I love making quilts, you can drop them all day, and they NEVER break! I am also used to the breakage issue, I have tile floors in the kitchen and bathrooms, and when it breaks, it scatters...long distances. Amazing!

Any other hints for a newcomer to concrete floors? Like...can you clean it with a hose??

Dawn said...

Hi Kathy, We recently had our floors throughout the house tiled. I love love love them and would never ever go back to carpet. But they do echo. We quickly adjusted, though. The Hoover or Shark floor cleaners I am told is the thing to get for these kinds of floors.

And I just have to say how refreshing it was to see your cat sitting on the table. I don't feel nearly so bad about spoiling mine rotten and giving them free reign. :)


Darlene said...

Wow, love that floor color! Who would have thought turquoise would look so good on a floor?

My kitty practically LIVES on the table. We don't eat there often, so it doesn't really bother us. She likes to sit there to look out the kitchen window. We're going to replace the window with a door this summer, so I don't know what she'll do then!

steve said...

I'm so glad that you love your floor. I have posted pictures on FB and folks are gaga, all positive response's! Thank you for not being afraid of color, it looks great furnished. Steve

blue star stitcher said...

Wow, that looks great! What an awesome color, and in time you won't even remember all the hard work that went into it.

Margeeth said...

Those colours are amazing. I love the cat.

Brandi said...

Ooh, I love it, it's like you've got the calming sea all around you in there. Simply beautiful!

Jackie said...

Hi Kathy;

I just read your article in Quilting Arts and wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. I loved how you broke things down to the simplest level and gave many examples and reasons why things were done.
Your article and columns to come will definitely be my favourite. Thank you,

Vivien Zepf said...

What a great color! I would never have been as brave and would have missed out,

Kathy York said...

That's the great thing about letting the colors out of the box. If you get it wrong, you can always paint over it!

Regarding the cat, or cats as the case may be....the only time they are off the table is when we are sitting at it and they happen to be in arm's reach. How do they know exactly how long my arms are?? Clever cats.

Unknown said...

Kathy, I really didnt want to leave your house today. It is so gorgeous. Not to mention that it is nice to spend time with you. Also, I bought the Quilting Arts Magazine an hour later so that I could read it on my way to Vermont where my copy is waiting.

Now you KNOW that my Pink Christmas Tree is what you need. Hope you take me up on that.

Love, Frances

Sherryl said...

Awesome!! I am happy to see someone else who USES color in the house. I tried to go with the painted concrete but I got voted down. We have huge tiles and lots of colorful area rugs.

Love, love, love what you did.

Norma Schlager said...

I gotta love it, turquoise being one of my favorite colors. It looks great!!