I do believe these kittens have found a permanent home. No surprise really, it's mine. I had adopted 2 of them to a nice home, but it didn't work out and they brought the kittens back. I was so happy to see them! They have a different set of personalities as a foursome compared with a twosome, and although each is special, I like them best all together.
I have also decided to keep them indoors. Too many friends and families with horror stories and vet bills have influenced my decision. I am still not sure if it's a good one or not, but it just is. I can tell you that 4 kittens and two litter boxes is a lot to clean up after. I thought as indoor cats, they should have a kitty garden (shows how much I know about cats!). So, I arranged this lovely corner with potted plants from my deck and a big climbing kitty condo. It lasted 2 days. They completely destroyed the plants, dug the dirt out, and started using the dirt for....well...a litter box. It wasn't pretty. Let me just say this, if you have kittens, it is a good idea to have a well functioning vacuum cleaner.
They are settling in well. They are no longer afraid of my 100 pound Weimeramer. They don't quite understand why she gets to go outside and they don't. They no longer mind being sniffed by the dog and play freely in her presence. The only real danger is being stepped on as she is old and not quite as coordinated as she once was. She tolerates the kittens quite well, which is more than I would probably do with 4 new pesky siblings with claws....
And though I love the kittens, it is unlikely that I will continue to blog about them. I really started the blog for quilts, not kittens. They got to make an appearance, because I thought it would help find them homes. Well, they've got one now. But if you are still interested, email me, and I will write you back.
how cute!
one way to have houseplants and indoor cats is to put a layer or two of chicken wire (aka poultry fencing) on top of the dirt. It tends to blend into the background, and discourages digging.
Can't wait to see some of your quilts again. Did I mention to you that I saw one in a dutch quilting magazine (I think it was quiltmania).
The cats will probably get less naughty when they get older and will leave your houseplants alone. If you will indeed manage to keep them indoors depends on the cats. Some cats are perfectly content indoors, others have to get outside or will go raving mad (and you will go mad too).
I thought I read you are allergic to cats? How are you going to handle that?
Thanks for the cat suggestions, more information is always helpful!
Regarding the allergies, I don't have an answer yet. At first, when their little claws would puncture my skin, it felt like 1000 fire ants stinging me, for hours. Now, I don't notice it at all. Maybe I am becoming less sensitive to them? And, my allergies to mold spores and pollen keep me on antihistimines most of the year, so maybe that's helping with the cats too. Other than that, there's vacuuming, and washing my hands after touching the cats....learning as I go...
I love reading about your kittens, so fab that your keeping them all.
Kathy, I'm so glad that the Flying Cat Boys are home with you! I had read about your attempts to get them adopted out earlier, and kept wondering if you would sorry you let them go. Now everybody's happy! Good luck and have fun. (I have 3 indoor cats and 2 litterboxes, also ... you get used to it!)
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