Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dive Right In...Shibori!

Dive Right In...Shibori!
I saw an example of this type of shibori in the book, Shibori, The Inventive Art of Japanese Shaped Resist Dyeing, and thought I'd give it a try. I planned to use it as a training exercise for the back of a quilt I am working on. It took an hour to do about one panel, and before I invested multiple hours in sewing the entire cloth, I cut out this strip and dyed it to see what it would look like. It is about 60" long and 10" wide, and has a total of 6 circles. I like it so much I don't want to sew it back on to the original now. It is hanging on my studio door, a simple cloth, beautiful in it's simplicity.

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