Thursday, January 12, 2017

Beach Colors

Beach Colors
71" x 72"

Last week I showed you Neurodiversity.  I may have mentioned that I liked the back better than the front.  Then I heard about a new exhibit by QuiltFestival, and I thought my quilt would be PERFECT for it.  It is called A Celebration of Color!  Yes!!  Unfortunately, the quilt was too big!  Nuts!!  However, I really like this design of squares stacked in colorways separated by thin strips of contrasting colors, so I decided to make another one and enter it.  I cut all the squares of every fabric, but then felt myself being drawn to quite a different and calmer palette.  The result:

I was even thinking of calling it, Sun, Sand, Surf, and Sky but reconsidered using a tongue twister as a name! I loved working on this quilt and it went together quickly, which is fun.  It is machine quilted and I used a different color of thread for every line!  Super crazy, but it looks super good! I love the texture and I love the subtle addition of the thread colors, all randomly chosen.

I also decided to try something for the back of this quilt to make it two-sided (of course!).

Simple, clean, delicious!

The notification of whether or not this one got in will be in February, so now the waiting begins. Meanwhile, I have it hanging in my living room.  I love it so much, I don't really want to let it go, so I truly have some ambivalence about it getting accepted into the new venue.  I might just be shouting "Hurray" if it gets rejected.  Go figure!


Candied Fabrics said...

Beautiful quilt, I really love all the different colors of thread for the quilting! Tell me, did you change the bobbin thread for each top thread change? I can't quite tell from the picture of the back but I think that you didn't which makes sense because I think I would go insane if I had to change the top and bottom thread for every new line Of quilting!


Kathy York said...

Candied Fabrics, Yes, I changed the top thread and bobbin thread each time. I had so many colors that I never had to rewind a bobbin! (the only up side!). My machine is super easy to change the bobbin though. It is just a table top Juki, the 2010.